Odysseus.live (online)
Directed by: Cosmea Spelleken
Friday, 23/06/2023
07.30 PM - 09.30 PM
with one break

In cooperation with Bayerischen Rundfunk
Welcome to “Studio Ithaca”, Ancient Greece’s No.1 talk show. The Kammerspiele have been transformed for the evening into a TV studio and you, the viewers, are our talk-show audience – either in the flesh or following us in real time on the internet. Because this is a live broadcast. And we have a very special guest: Odysseus, fresh back from the war, reunited at last with his wife Penelope and son Telemachus, and all three of them are here with us tonight! They’ll be telling us what the Trojan War and his subsequent [ha!] Odyssey was like – and what it’s like being back together after 20 years. And we won’t be shy of asking difficult questions about things like the morals of war, time spent with nymphs and assorted goddesses, the emotional distance between father and son, etc. Plus the very basic question of whether the world still needs heroes. Tonight we’ll be getting to know the royal family as sensitive, troubled individuals.
Cosmea Spelleken, voted Young Director of the Year in 2021, presents a modern take on the themes of Homer’s epic tale and adds an immersive, digital dimension to the classic theatrical experience. As talk-show audience, you will be part of the fictional world – either in the “studio” or sitting at home in front of your chosen device. Put questions to the guests and interact with them on social media. And don’t worry: however you choose to view, you won’t have to actively engage!
DIGITAL Introduction (in German)
You can be physically present at the event in the Kammerspiele or watch it online on your laptop.
If you would like to watch online, read on:
Click on the Ticket button on this page to buy an online ticket. We will send you a confirmation mail with your ticket and approx. 30 minutes before the performance another mail containing a link that takes you to the live stream. You can buy tickets right up to shortly before the performance. Savour the evening through the eyes of the camera – as a member of the online audience, you won’t be visible.
If you have queries regarding tickets or the technical process or are having trouble connecting to the stream, please email info(at)staatstheater-nuernberg.de
Click HERE for details on attending the event in the Kammerspiele in person.
Directed by
Bühne, Kostüme
Technische Konzeption
Künstlerische Produktionsleitung
Cast on 23/06/2023
September 2022
October 2022
November 2022
December 2022
Information on buying Tickets
„Stufe für Stufe führt Cosmea Spelleken ´Odysseus.Live´ hinab in den persönlichen Hades, mit jeder Wendung gewinnt das Stück an emotionaler Tiefe. (...) Die Regisseurin schafft also einen Hybrid, eine Versuchsanordnung, die mit dem Mythos spielt, mit den bekannten Ästhetiken der Fernsehshow und mit den Erwartungen eines Publikums, das sich ins Theater setzt und auf einmal ganz entgegen aller Gewohnheit ´Oh´ und ´Ah´ und ´Buuh´ machen soll.“
Andreas Thamm, nachtkritik.de
„Man ist Theater- und Studiopublikum gleichermaßen. (…) Wir erleben diese Ambivalenz, das ist wahnsinnig clever. Wir basteln mit an der Inszenierung, gucken aber auch von außen drauf. Das ist eine herrliche Doppelbödigkeit.“
Christoph Leibold, Deutschlandfunk
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