Staatstheater Nürnberg
Home > House > Artists > Michael García


Mi­cha­el García

Michael García


Born in Portland, Oregon (USA), Michael Garcia initially attended the School of Oregon Ballet Theater and continued his training as a professional dancer at the School of American Ballet in New York and at the Juilliard School New York. In 2020 he received the Bachelor of Fine Arts there. In recent years, he has gained extensive stage experience and taken intensive courses and workshops, among others. at the Juilliard School, the Netherlands Dance Theater and at Springboard Danse Monteral. He has danced in choreographies by Martha Graham, George Balanchine, Merce Cunningham, Cayetano Soto, Gentian Doda, Hofesh Shechter, Ohad Naharin and Marco Goecke. Since season 2020/2021 Michael Garcia is a permanent member of the Staatstheater Nürnberg Ballet.

Photo © Julia Puder

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