Fábio Namatame

Stage / Costume
Bühnen- und Kostümbildner
Born in Japan, Fábio Namatame received his training as an actor and as a costume and set designer at the FAAP Academy of Arts in São Paulo (BRA). He works as a costume and set designer for theatre, opera, cinema, musicals and shows. With the costume design for the theatre adaptation of the Brazilian novel "Mémorias Póstumas de Braz Cubas" and "Apocalise 1.11" for the Teatro da Vertigem, he received the SHELL Prize in each case, as well as the Carlos Gomes Prize in 2008 as costume designer for "Madame Butterfly" at the Teatro Municipal São Paulo. For the productions of director Claudia Pêra, he has created numerous costume designs in over three decades, including for "Cabaret", "Crazy for You", "Singing in the Rain". His main place of work is the Teatro Municipal São Paulo, for which he has regularly been responsible as costume designer since 2008 for productions such as "Fallstaff", Idomeneo", "Elektra", "Der Rosenkavalier". His work has also taken him to the Teatro Municipal de Rio de Janeiro and to numerous opera, theatre and dance festivals.
Photo © Alexandre Battibugli
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